If you lose power, your generator will be your home’s support. Having no power during a storm or during the aftermath can be very frustrating, especially when the majority of your home depends on electricity. No power means no television, electricity for charging phones, air conditioning, refrigerator and MORE.
Hurricane season occurs from June 1st – November 30th, during some of the HOTTEST months of the year in Florida. No power means that you are not able to run your A/C. Your generator will allow you to continue running your air conditioning system, keeping you cool in the unfortunate case that power is lost.
We may not think about how much electricity affects our daily life but almost everything in our home requires energy, including our refrigerators. The average person in America spends $250 per month on groceries. If your power goes out, your fridge does not have the ability to keep your food at the temperatures that it requires, which will cause your food to spoil.
During a storm, we worry about the safety of our family members and our homes. Stress, anxiety and high emotions are all things we experience during the preparation process of a storm or hurricane. Investing in a generator can assure homeowners won’t be in the DARK during times of emergency.